It’s been a while…

I would like to start off by saying I am sorry I haven’t posted in a while also very sorry for the depressing posts and not much photography related stuff. I was in a very bad place a few weeks ago but I’ve finally accepted help and hopefully I am on the mend as you can understand I still have bad days etc however I do feel better of myself if not always but for now at least. And as said above I’m sorry for not much activity but on top of what I’m dealing with my eyes are very strange and aren’t too great very often which stops me taking editing and posting pictures but if you go give my instagram page a follow “alwayslearningphotography” I post pictures on the more often than here. I’m also not sure weather to switch this into a purely photography blog or start again or what ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you very much for your time and I’m very grateful for everyone that’s helped me and reads my content.

Thank-you xx

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