How do you edit yours?

Welcome back,

Super short today i just uploaded some pictures from my walk around yesturday and was thinking how i should go about editing them if atall (brightness, exposure etc), which got me thinking what software does everyone else use?

I can’t currently afford photoshop or lightroom however i have the free version of both and also have a mixture of other free editing apps for my computer but i also have a few free apps such as snapseed and vsco on my htc phone.

I Find myself wanting to add my jpeg files to dropbox then export them onto my phone and edit them on however, i am worried that this will depreciate the quality far too much as my eyes are already  making it hard enough !!

Would or even do you edit on your phone often if atall? and what software do you reccomend/use on your computers?

Any advice/guidance will be greatly appreciated just drop me a comment or send me an email. (link at the bottom of the page)

Im not very good at editing images anyway but i want to be so please dont be too harsh on my images i am trying and i will get better with time and pratice.

Thankyou for taking your time to read this and as always if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask, also go give my instagram a little love if you have a spare few minutes.

P.s anyone know where the spell check has gone from wordpress ?

Lastly before i go…. I just want to say a huge thankyou to the small amount of people that are following me/read my blog at the moment as i know im not the best, yes i make mistakes in spelling maybe my pictures arent all that great etc but i am learning and your in the journey with me and for that i really appreciate it so thankyou.

Two final questions…

Im looking for a new theme for my wordpress can you reccomend one ?

Is there a way i can make my ‘media’ page into physical albums to first click onto to open up a certain selection of pictures?


— MeMyselfAndPhotography–

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